21 Apr 2012 01:56 PM PDT

PresenterJennifer McCrickerd
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Drake University
Text Chat Transcript - including links - Below
Digital Archive - full recording of this online session.
[Archive includes slides; here is link to slides published separately - McCrickerd's presentation slides + Steve Gilbert's intro/close slides.]
Back in October, Jennifer agreed to teach an on-line class thinking it would stretch her skills as a teacher. Now that it is April and the course will begin in a couple of months, Jennifer appreciates the way that thinking about an on-line class has made her think about teaching and what means she uses and wants to use to achieve her goals. Most importantly, she is being forced to more explicitly draw on learning theory to inform her decisions because she doesn’t have any ‘standard’ approach to fall back on.
Steve Gilbert and 40+ online participants heard and responded to Jennifer's thinking about the final stages of preparation before launching her first online class. Be ready for lots of good discussion and interaction. Many useful suggestions, questions, and online resources were exchanged by voice and within the text chat.
This is the second in a series of visits with Jennifer about her journey into online teaching. The archive of our first conversation with her back in November is available to Individual Members in the Archives section of this website. We look forward to an update on her progress in the fall, possibly including some comments from her students.
Text Chat Transcript
David McCurry, TLT Group: (4/20/2012 13:15) Welcome to Friday Live!Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:22) I just sent a copy of this version of the slides. Are my insertions OK?
Jennifer McCrickerd: (13:23) Yup, I just sent you a message.
Jennifer McCrickerd: (13:23) I can't hear anything yet, is that a problem? I did the sound wizard and everything was fine for that.
Jennifer McCrickerd: (13:23) is there something I ought to 'click' that I haven't yet?
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:24) Hi Steve.
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:24) I can hear you.
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:24) I put the soundtrack on.
Jennifer McCrickerd: (13:25) I was trying it....apparently it's not working....but it was a moment ago
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:25) Go ahead and try again.
Jennifer McCrickerd: (13:25) I'm talking as I'm typing and you apparently can't hear me
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:26) hmmm
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:26) that's me squeaking
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:26) too loud
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:27) hi david long time no see
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:27) Hi Sally. Seems like a long time.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:27) better
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:29) Getting feedback from Sally's speakers and open mic.
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:29) Sally, can you mute your mic?
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:31) good
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:32) ok wierd
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:32) Good idea.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:34) always interested!
David McCurry, TLT Group: (13:34) Sounds fine (stll)
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:34) any time!
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:34) how're your dogs? more than one, right?
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:35) ah choices choices
lpifer: (13:39) Hello, all! Linda Pifer here at Univ. of TN Health Sci. Center. Can hear you but am not set up with a mike today.
Jennifer McCrickerd: (13:40) no problem.....just type what you want to share and I'm sure someone will pick it up
lpifer: (13:40) In "Hunger Games" parlance, I guess I'm an "avox". ha ha Linda Pifer
Jennifer McCrickerd: (13:41) LOL
Jennifer McCrickerd: (13:53) Are there really two R Morgensterns or did you leave & then return?
Ilene Frank: (13:57) OK!
lpifer 2: (13:57) Yes
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (13:57) yippee!
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:01) ha!
Dale Parker: (14:01) likewise me too
Eugenia McAllister: (14:02) Eugenia McAllister Paine College, Information Services...Hello All
Raluca Rosca: (14:05) Raluca Rosca, University of Maryland College Park
Margaret Driscoll: (14:05) Margaret Driscoll, CSU Channel Islands
Ilene Frank: (14:05) Ilene Frank, retired librarian - still teaching online courses for UMUC - and doing some other things as well.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:06) Jennifer is a really good sport - agreeing to do the FQs live and to discussing her own intentions and concerns about online teaching BEFORE she begins!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:07) We'll make digital recording/archive and links to slides, etc. via our blot
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:07) AND WHO HAS THE LONG DISTANCE PRIZE?
Vanessa Wright: (14:08) Vanessa Wright, Excelsior College, Instructional Designer
Lynette Sorenson: (14:08) Lynette Sorenson, Northwest University, Kirkland WA
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:08) Today's LTA: Vocaroo voice recording FREE service
Heather M. Ross: (14:08) I'm from the University of Saskatchewan. I'm currently designing an online course that will be an introduction to teaching online for our facutly.
wendy: (14:08) Humber College, Toronto, Ontario
lpifer 2: (14:08) Getting ready to launch MLT-MLS (med. lab. tech. to med. lab scientist program online....Linda Pifer, Univ. of TN Health Sci. Cntr., Memphis, TN
Dale Parker: (14:08) Dale Parker teaching blended learning online and once monthly face to fact Cambridge College MA
Everett Allen: (14:08) Everett Allen, Instructional Design Specialist, University of Technology, Jamaica
fred winter: (14:08) Fred Winter, US Dep't of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education. Greetings.
suehellman: (14:09) Still nighttime in Melbourne, Aus.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:09) Hi Sue. Glad you're up!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:09) You never know.... extermission, polls! We're also thinking of offereing a FrLv session ABOUT how to use this Adobe interface!
Stephanie Garcia: (14:09) Instructional Designer from CSULB
Susan Eldridge: (14:10) Instructional Designer/Trainer from Cal State Long Beach
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:10) Voice of the Chat - one of the techniques we recommend highly.
Irina Ivliyeva, Missouri ST: (14:11) Goo afternoon, eveyone!
Vanessa Wright: (14:11) Everett I just sent you a private message;-)
lpifer 2: (14:12) Hi Irina et al.
David McCurry, TLT Group: (14:13) Will do.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:14) F2F version of this course usually 15 weeks
suehellman: (14:15) Have 1 foot in a Moodle Meet in BC, another here in the webinar, and my third researching higher ed uses of Smartboards and Notebook software.
Margaret Driscoll: (14:15) lots to accomplish in 6 weeks.
Heather M. Ross: (14:15) So no LMS?
Margaret Driscoll: (14:16) any web conferencing options?
Heather M. Ross: (14:16) Sounds great to me, but a lot of institutions would balk about that because of their lack of control.
sara weertz: (14:16) exec director for FIrst Year Experience at Angelo State University (San Angelo, TX)--oversee first year course and course for students on probation
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:17) JM- "some students even have difficulty with Google Docs"
Steven Grindle: (14:17) Are you using a Learning Management System such as Moodle?
Eugenia McAllister: (14:17) I'm finding that the traditional students love on-line, the older adult students like books only.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:17) JM: Students cannot go to campus tech people for help w Google Docs
Ilene Frank: (14:17) Can you warn your IT department that students might ask about Google Docs?
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:17) JM Not using LMS/Bb - finds too constraining for her prefs
lpifer 2: (14:18) Our students are going to be older & I think I should not use too many "bells & whistles" at first. This may be 1st online course for them. Just a comment. Linda Pifer
sara weertz: (14:18) We use Blackboard but provide no training for students, so it's up to the instructor to orient students to LMS
lpifer 2: (14:18) Don't want to overwhelm them OR myself.
Margaret Driscoll: (14:18) how do they gain access to the contents (reading assignments, etc.) -- through Google docs?
lpifer 2: (14:19) Thanks Sara...We will use Blackboard also & first session may be a nightmare without plenty of orientation.
Ilene Frank: (14:19) Jennifer, can you ask for a student in the course to volunteer to help with tech questions? Not likely there will be much - but just in case...
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:19) @ Sara = Yes, funny in that we train instructors here but nothing really for the students, the attitude is "they live with digital technology they don't need the hand holding" = All strange to me.
sara weertz: (14:19) I manage between 30-50 instructors with varying experience with Blackboard. Instructors often come to me for help and advice because our Bb office is a staff of 1.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:19) JM - unlikely students will ask Drake IT staff for help during summer when students not on campus
lpifer 2: (14:19) We will post our documents, syllabi, glossary, videos, etc. on Blackboard.
Heather M. Ross: (14:20) Sorry Jennifer. Forced things off on a tangent, but you're move away from BBLearn, which I also find annoying, is both awesome and intriguing.
Eugenia McAllister: (14:20) Instead of Blackboard how about trying; free source hosted by blackboard. Make up to 5 free courses. And can control enrollments management elements, etc…. And transpose this back into Blackboard.
suehellman: (14:21) Hmmmm .. can't learn a new technology and new content at the same time? I wonder if that's understimating students.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:21) I repeat, I've heard lots of confirmation that Jennifer is indeed a successful teacher - recognized by colleagues AND students
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:21) Sounds like a good topic for a future FridayLive! learn new content and new tech same time
lpifer 2: (14:22) Thanks, Eugenia! I will try that.
Steven Grindle: (14:22) Online learning is in its adolescence.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:22) JM: has used Google Docs a lot in F2F class and found an impportant minority still has trouble with Google Docs
lpifer 2: (14:22) Good point, Sue. I don't want students distracted by all the new technology. Iplan to start "simple".
suehellman: (14:23) Interesting -- thanks for the response -- I guess it's come to feel so second nature for me to use GD's that I find it hard to recall when that felt like a barrier to learning.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:23) [My own experience with Google Docs usually confirms that it is NEVER safe to assume that any group of people is ALL adept at almost anything]
Eugenia McAllister: (14:23) Presently, I'm learning about On-line learning via University of wisconsin-Madison Library School. It's great. My fellow librarians are up to date onn alot of information...just a thought!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:24) @SueH - I've found that setting up an account for an online tool is often a barrier for S
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:24) @SueH - I've found that setting up an account for an online tool is often a barrier for SO
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:24) SOME people
lpifer 2: (14:24) Well, Sue, my students will be 30''s, 40's and way up.
suehellman: (14:24) @Steve -- funny we never thought that about f2f, traditional learning -- were all people ever adept at that kind of learning?
Ilene Frank: (14:24) I took up online teaching in 1996 because I was curious about it - and it works!
wendy: (14:24) all of the above
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:24) Online and face-to-face is an interesting learning bit for me as instruction. I actually learned a lot from online yes, but at the same time I get bad habits online too! Like I map things out like crazy and then get doing that in the classroom and find I don't teach as fluid as much, which is key for face-to-face interactive courses I believe.
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:25) Robert, thanks!
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:25) Yep, totally agree
Steven Grindle: (14:25) Online education has been a passion of mine for years. I pressure others (gently) to use it.
Heather M. Ross: (14:25) As an instructional design specialist I work with facutlty facing this and it's a mixed bag. Some pressure to teach online, some discouraged because of belief that f2f is all that works.
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:25) Online highlights some bad stuff much more
Margaret Driscoll: (14:25) if online teaching is done well, it's excellent. if it's not done well, it's frightful!
lpifer 2: (14:26) I think I'm going to like online a lot once I get comfortable with it.
Dale Parker: (14:26) Pressure from within me. I am 71 and looking to stay home and teach
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:26) dale - cool
lpifer 2: (14:26) Contrary to Marshall McLuen (sp?), the medium should NOT be the MESSAGE.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:26) We might return to discuss faculty members' expectations about online education based on a few courses - see "Why I No Longer Teach Online" Bunge article, and responses
Margaret Driscoll: (14:26) I took my entire master's degree online -- loved it (most of it!)
nikki: (14:27) Dale, more power to you!
Dale Parker: (14:27) thanks!
Steven Grindle: (14:28) It is easiest in the long run to build a fire to keep the bears away.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:28) [Why does it matter whether thinking is or isn't evolutionarily advantageous? Also interesting to consider recent EO Wilson(?) book on group evolution implications...
Vanessa Wright: (14:29) I get that a lot too teaching math online
Vanessa Wright: (14:29) we need to make a connection between real life examples and the learning content
Margaret Driscoll: (14:29) context ... important in any realm
Vanessa Wright: (14:29) absolutely
lpifer 2: (14:30) I'm far less interested in the "why's" of philosophy than the "how's" of online technology. Linda Pifer
Dale Parker: (14:30) math online would be the biggest challenge for me to teach because of the way I teach math really hands on and using intuition and watching body language etc
lpifer 2: (14:31) I suppose that's heretical.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:31) What Jennifer is describing right now is VERY different from recent often stated reason for education: students as customers who know what they want and expect to get "value for $"
Vanessa Wright: (14:32) @Dale, I'm faced with that challenge all the time along with the time constraints and the types of outcomes that need to be covered
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:32) IE, difference between CONVINCING students to learn certainkinds of things vs. PROVIDING the learning that students want/need
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:32) I agree about the application context, but would also make the arugment for higher ed as a space to think more abstractly is really important because it allows one to have a safe space to think outside the box. "Real life" context will lock you into boxes really quickly. So my challenge for myself is finding a possible middle ground, which I would love to hear more about how to do!
lpifer 2: (14:32) Like the cartoons.
Heather M. Ross: (14:33) Funny, all five are also the reason we often encounter when trying to get faculty to try something new (using edtech, making significant changes to courses / programs, etc.).
Lisa Melohusky: (14:34) Our students find time management to be their biggest hurddle and courses that assist with that management get the best evaluations
lpifer 2: (14:35) We will be crazy busy, teaching MLT's online (They are already experienced lab techs) and simultaneously doing f2f for brand new students who've never worked in labs.
Steven Grindle: (14:35) I find students are not resistant to learning but have poor work ethic or unrealistic expectations about how to learn.
Ilene Frank: (14:35) Lisa, I agree - Time management is important. It's great to remind students about what they are going to need to accomplish week by week - and remind them often.
suehellman: (14:35) @Heather -- and also with k-12 educators -- being teachers doesn't seem to necessarily make us better learners.
lpifer 2: (14:36) I plan to have a detailed "course calendar" with all due dates, etc. to help time management.
Heather M. Ross: (14:36) Sue, very true. Just saying that I agree with her list for students and teachers alike.
Dale Parker: (14:37) Course calendars are VERY necessary
Ilene Frank: (14:37) lpifer 2, having a detailed calendar is great! And then course announcements and/or email reminders - also helpful. lpifer 2, having a detailed calendar is great! And then course announcements and/or email reminders - also helpful.
lpifer 2: (14:37) Indeed, Dale. However, getting students to read the calendar isn't always easy.
Charles Ansorge, University of Nebraska, Lincoln: (14:37) @Lisa I'd like to second what Ilene has said re time management fo students. As an instructor I do as much as I can to help the students manage their time by offering weekly updates. I try to "get in the face" of students often when teaching online classes.
lpifer 2: (14:38) I do send reminder emails, but that makes me feel like their mom. ha ha
Vanessa Wright: (14:38) I also try to include a course schedule. An assignment checklist is a good idea too
Eugenia McAllister: (14:38) In my experiences students come into the classroom needing to know how is the course interdisplinary ! Students want to research and collobrate with others..
Dale Parker: (14:38) Being a mom is part of teaching even with my nontraditional adult students
Irina Ivliyeva, Missouri ST: (14:39) Wait a minute: they are coming to school to get the diploma but they hate learning?? Speaking of students being our clients: it is my job the best quality product and to make it accessible. To byu or not to buy is ENTIRELY up to them.
lpifer 2: (14:39) Eugenia, that interdisciplinary thing has become huge, in my experience. Our Med. School has done quite a bit. LInda
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:39) "Students want to research and collobrate with others." = This is huge I think.
lpifer 2: (14:40) I guess so, Dale.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:40) JMM: students say "They should get 'A's when they work and learn a lot" AND "They should learn a lot and work a lot when they get 'A's"
Dale Parker: (14:40) Requiring logging in on message boards will also keep them attached
Ilene Frank: (14:40) Online courses are an emotional journey.
lpifer 2: (14:41) I'll bet I'm in for a roller coaster ride, Ilene.
Ilene Frank: (14:41) And you gotta remember that the students are on the roller coaster too - You gotta remind them not to get discouraged.
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:41) Tune out = They do it about the same! Trust me on that one!
Irina Ivliyeva, Missouri ST: (14:42) I am glad you are topuching this issue - heavy mutitasking!
Vanessa Wright: (14:42) you will notice that their participation will decrease
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:42) JMM -" ability to connect with my students' - related to being a "person" to the students?
suehellman: (14:42) Yes
lpifer 2: (14:42) True, Ilene.
Steven Grindle: (14:42) Discouragement because of the difficulty of using technology.
Dale Parker: (14:43) yes we have touched on that
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:43) Time management cuts both ways (instruction and student learning)
suehellman: (14:43) In some ways, I htink we pigeon hole the 2 roles and when we become students again it throws us back to all our old, unresolved 'student' behaviours.
Vanessa Wright: (14:43) it's difficult sometimes becuase the faculty needs to model the time management skills that the students need
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:43) Oh, totally agree and I did that all at the beginning and then learned to scale back.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:44) JM: worried about time-demands for online teaching because of lack of clear endpoints of schheduled F2F sessions!
Irina Ivliyeva, Missouri ST: (14:44) We still ARE!
Margaret Driscoll: (14:44) a space for students to learn from each other is really important
Lisa Melohusky: (14:44) We ask that our faculty have the entire course built and ready before the course begins so that they can focus on interaction with the students during the course. This is equivelent to asking the students not to wait until 10 minutes before the deadline to submit an assignment.
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:44) One thing that is great though is the content is done and posted and you can free up time for feedback and pushing reflection.
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:44) Online content
Steven Grindle: (14:44) Yes, Lisa.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:44) JM: Need to accept [embrace!?] not only appearing, but also BEING CLUMSY!
suehellman: (14:44) Interesting thought -- link please?
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:44) Lisa beat me to that one!
Ilene Frank: (14:44) Jennifer, online courses can take more time - I think that's a fact. And it is difficult to set limits - but you can set some limits: "I will answer your within 24 hours - but not on Sundays" - or whatever seems appropriate.
Eugenia McAllister: (14:45) Hmmm, your true self will always shine though.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:45) LOL!
Vanessa Wright: (14:45) Sally is your course already built by instructional designers?
Eugenia McAllister: (14:45) I'm listing to you and your coming across very well.
lpifer 2: (14:45) That's right, Robert. At least I've posted all my content on Blackboard for my f2f courses and that's been hugely helpful. Linda
Vanessa Wright: (14:45) Sally is your course already built by instructional designers?
suehellman: (14:45) But the benefit of stepping into that learner role again -- even for a short time -- is that it helps one understand the process throught the eyes of their students again.
suehellman: (14:46) sorry "through"
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:46) [Jennifer has agreed to continue for 15-30 mins during our usual "AfterThoughts" which begins 15 minutes from now at 3pm ET)
Steven Grindle: (14:46) All current LMS's allow all types of questions, Essay, MC, MS, SA, Calculated, etc.
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:47) This sounds like a great class!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:47) @StevenGrindle - want to add more that might imply people about to begin teaching online should consider using LMS instead of single tool like Google Docs?
suehellman: (14:47) unless you take them into Second Life -- a few steps beyond Google Docs (LOL)
Heather M. Ross: (14:47) There are lots of ways of doing role-playing at a distance using disucussion boards, Twitter, and other such tools.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:48) When you retrun to FridayLive to report, I hope you use this slide and tell us about what hap[pened point by point.
Steven Grindle: (14:48) Combining the expertise of facutly, publishers and instructional designers to build online content is the ideal.
Margaret Driscoll: (14:48) include librarians
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:48) @Heather - could you list a couple of those ways of doing role-playing? shgould we run a full FrLv session about such options? would you consider helping to organize/offer such a session?...
Dale Parker: (14:49) Some instructors have made Youtube videos for online learning
Steven Grindle: (14:49) Role playing in an online asynchronous discussion sounds a great idea.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:49) I'd like to learn more about the "Random Acts of Kindness" assignment/task/activity
Heather M. Ross: (14:49) A prof at Virgina Tech teaching world issues course. His students create clearly fake Twitter accounts for world leaders. They then tweet about world events in those roles.
Christina: (14:49) Yes, me too
Steven Grindle: (14:50) Written comments in an online discussion are (in my experience) far more articulate than the verbal discusssion in a real-time f-f class.
Heather M. Ross: (14:50) I've seen an example where an instructor used a Facebook like tool (not Facebook) where students in a high school history course created profiles for the American Founding Fathers and "friended" and responded to others in the class in those roles.
Margaret Driscoll: (14:51) blogs are great reflection tools as well
suehellman: (14:51) re writing practice in online environment being more effective -- only if they get lots of feedback not just on content but also on writing
Heather M. Ross: (14:51) If you have access to discussion boards through your LMS you can do much the same stuff on those boards.
lpifer 2: (14:52) I will have only 3 hrs. to teach blood borne pathogen safety, safety procedures with clinical specimens and chemical, fire, radiation, etc. safety. I've done 3 detailed PowPts. Any suggestions for me? These are for clinical laboratory professionals. Linda
Vanessa Wright: (14:52) you can use wiki for this type of thing if you are working on BlackBoard
Irina Ivliyeva, Missouri ST: (14:52) feedback os the breakfast of champions..
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:52) JM use Google Docs to annotate assigned readings AND to give feedback on students' work
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:53) Vanessa = wiki on Bb have you had good experiences with it? It has seemed very rough at this point in its development.
Vanessa Wright: (14:53) @lpifer: u can also add some videos, pause them and explain some of the most important concepts
lpifer 2: (14:53) Vanessa, I've set up a Wetpaint wiki called "Pathogen Stalker" & I hope it will be useful. Much more casual than classroom content.
Irina Ivliyeva, Missouri ST: (14:53) NO!
lpifer 2: (14:53) Thanks, Vanessa. I do have some good videos saved up.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:53) @lpifer - what kinds of learning of safety procedures are goal? (knowing terminology vs. being able to DO specific procedures)
Irina Ivliyeva, Missouri ST: (14:54) I do, but only work related.
wendy: (14:54) hours online, surfing, playing, finances, learning, streaming videos
Vanessa Wright: (14:54) @lpifer it will be bc the students are able to modify the wikis as they go along
Vanessa Wright: (14:54) just be sure to monitor becuase things can get out of control quickly;-)
Eugenia McAllister: (14:54) reseaarch, podcast, and webinars...a bit fun stuff.
lpifer 2: (14:54) Steve, I cover OSHA rules, how to avoid HIV & hepatitis via needle sticks, obligations of employees and employers.
Ilene Frank: (14:54) Hmm. students are texting constantly - same as conversation?
Irina Ivliyeva, Missouri ST: (14:55) Well, in all honesty, sometimes shopping on amazon... but mostly for books!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:55) @person claiming to be Irina Ivliyeva - are you really claimsing that you ONLY use Internet for professional purposes? do you have a smart phone?
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:55) what's a meme/
lpifer 2: (14:55) Sally, I think it's a part of a word. Best I can do.
Ilene Frank: (14:55) "A meme (play /ˈmiːm/; MEEM)[1]) is "an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture."[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena." Wikipedia - meme like LOL cats
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:55) meme = an idea that spreads to become a cultural way of thinking!
Vanessa Wright: (14:55) something like fb
Jennifer McCrickerd: (14:56) lolz cats
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:56) JM: "The person who does the work does the learning" - prime principla
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:56) prime directive
lpifer 2: (14:56) Cool, Robert. I must be thinking of parsing.
Vanessa Wright: (14:56) that's a great idea
Eugenia McAllister: (14:57) Blended Learning...
Robert Voelker-Morris: (14:57) Parsing seems like a way of thinking about ideas and a meme is a way of spreading ideas I think.
lpifer 2: (14:57) I use this phrase a lot: "Luck favors the prepared mind". Not from me, of course.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:57) A meme (play /ˈmiːm/; MEEM)[1]) is "an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture."[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selective pressures.[3]The word meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme (from Ancient Greek μίμημα Greek pronunciation: [míːmɛːma] mīmēma, "something imitated", from μιμεῖσθαι mimeisthai, "to imitate", from μῖμος mimos "mime")[4] and it was coined by the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976)[1][5] as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Examples of memes given in the book included melodies, catch-phrases, fashion and the technology of b
Dale Parker: (14:57) I always make the students work. I have them pass in questions on the text reading and use them in quizzes
lpifer 2: (14:57) Good explanation, Robert.
suehellman: (14:58) The hour went by so fast!
lpifer 2: (14:58) It surely did and I enjoyed the chat.
Dale Parker: (14:58) Learned alot from the chat
wendy: (14:59) agree. fastest FridayLive I've been in
lpifer 2: (14:59) Thanks to everyone who helped me!
Ilene Frank: (14:59) David Pogue - Internet Memes 101: An online guide to wackiness
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:59) BECOME AN INDIVIDUAL MEMBER!
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (14:59) I love the logic of JHennifer's approach!
Irina Ivliyeva, Missouri ST: (15:00) Thank yo very much for your inspiring and honest talk!
Dale Parker: (15:00) failure is feedback
Robert Voelker-Morris: (15:00) Well stated
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:01) JM: Don't expect complete success first time; be comfortable, resilient and try to do even better the next time..."
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:01) JM: Watch movement from Harvard, Stanford, MIT - "Open Educ Resources" vs. "Open Courses"
lpifer 2: (15:01) Good advice, Steve.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:02) local facilitator
Heather M. Ross: (15:02) Agreed. The flipped or inverted classroom approach.
Christina: (15:02) Can you talk more about the Random acts of kindness?
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:02) Sally: say more about "local facilitator"
Eugenia McAllister: (15:02) Oxford University is another resources. filled with online information.
Vanessa Wright: (15:02) i find khan academy very helpful in my math courses
lpifer 2: (15:03) Hooray for Khan! It does have some great material.
Ilene Frank: (15:03) That sounds just like blended learning and the flipped classroom combined
Eugenia McAllister: (15:03) I use the University of Nottingham ...Sixty Symbols
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:03) We've explored the notion of "local facilitator" where online courses can be shared across institutions, but WEITH the addition of a local facilitator with whom the students interact.
Dale Parker: (15:03) thanks Vanessa
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:03) I'm afraid that sounds like an over-idealized version of european higher ed - my impression is that it is much more heirarchical - students strive to please the teacher more than think themselvers!
Vanessa Wright: (15:04) @Dale np
Heather M. Ross: (15:04) Ilene, isn't the flipped classroom just a form of blended learning as opposed to being seperate?
Eugenia McAllister: (15:04) Sixty Symbols
fred winter: (15:05) Thank you all. This was a useful session for me, and will be even more so when I’m called on to evaluate proposals for projects incorporating OLT/OLL.
Robert Voelker-Morris: (15:05) @Steve = good counter point, but a would argue that it is a bit of a give and take no? All the systems have good points and not so good ponts. Finding ways to take out the different good points and creating something from there seems like a way to think about it?
Ilene Frank: (15:05) Some flipped classrooms - students still show up in a classroom every day - so doens't take distance ed into account.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:05) example? "Summer Tan ... Random Act of Kindness #9"
lpifer 2: (15:05) In lab education, students must trust that what we tell them is both the truth as well as the law, and it's in their best survival interests to listen up.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:06) That's excellent!
Christina: (15:06) Wonderful idea!
lpifer 2: (15:06) We always encourage questions, however. It is quite different from teaching in the liberal arts.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:06) cool
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:07) JM - you mentioned a textbook of yours earlier... it that a published item? source of materials about your Random Acts of Kindness activity?
Heather M. Ross: (15:07) Ilene, if they are doing the "lectures" outside of class by watching videos from Khan or others, and come into do hands on, etc. how is that not blended. It doesn't have to be students connected online to be blended.
lpifer 2: (15:08) What we teach is more "compact" and less diffuse, as might be influence of Marxism on say, a Balkan country.
Ilene Frank: (15:08) Heather, yes, I agree! I was just thinking about Jennifer saying that she was thinking about the students doing readings, etc. outside of class - and then just having a few f2f sessions with the instructor
Robert Voelker-Morris: (15:09) How did you make the case to cap at 25?
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:09) Google helps as usual: Random Acts of Kindness Fndn & Resources
Heather M. Ross: (15:09) Ah, ok. But an actual flipped classroom (as I described above) would be a form of blended.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:09) I think these acts can make folks be giddy and gleeful.
Robert Voelker-Morris: (15:09) We are capped at 40 and don't like that number
Robert Voelker-Morris: (15:09) want to make arguments for smaller
Eugenia McAllister: (15:09) You did great. Good luck with your on-line journey! All the best
lpifer 2: (15:09) Any suggestions for teaching laboratory safety, which is pretty precise with regard to law and physical safety?
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:09) JM: Guidelines for new online teachers: start with small size class then increase as gain comfort/dexterity
lpifer 2: (15:10) This will be the case in our program. It's very technically oriented and precious little philosophy.
Dale Parker: (15:10) 25 is not a small number when you have to read papers, etc
lpifer 2: (15:10) YES!!!! Thanks! It really is short and different.
Heather M. Ross: (15:11) I'm sorry, but I have to go. Jennifer, thank you so much and good luck!
lpifer 2: (15:11) Yes, we are inculcating safety behaviours. Linda
Eugenia McAllister: (15:12) suggestions for teaching laboratory safety...
lpifer 2: (15:12) I've made 3 colorful PowPts.
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:12) JM: Coaching; illustrations; PRACTICE REPETITION FEEDBACK
Dale Parker: (15:12) videos can be watched over and over and case studies can be used
lpifer 2: (15:12) Well, it's the law, for one thing.
lpifer 2: (15:13) OSHA demands it.
lpifer 2: (15:13) Thanks for your help! Have no mike today. Linda Pifer
David McCurry, TLT Group: (15:13) I have also thought that the role of online coach for learning is a potentially great service.
Robert Voelker-Morris: (15:13) Ipifer = you want to use the PPTs for online but afraid of students missing the complex context?
lpifer 2: (15:15) Thanks, Eugenia. I will look it up.
lpifer 2: (15:15) As homework, I present them with "what if ...happens?" What would you do?
lpifer 2: (15:16) If you get a needlestick, what do you do: 1, 2, 3...etc.
lpifer 2: (15:16) Absolutely, Jennifer
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:16) lpifer2 - do you do most of what you're describing asynchronously or sync?
lpifer 2: (15:16) I feel profoundly ethically responsible for their safety.
lpifer 2: (15:17) The online students are already good at lab safety and behavior and skills.
David McCurry, TLT Group: (15:17) Or create virtual environments for scenario practice.
lpifer 2: (15:17) So, they are not novices.
Robert Voelker-Morris: (15:18) Need to go, excellent presentation and discussion! Thank you!
lpifer 2: (15:18) The f2f students ARE novices, but we hover over them...YES to your question
David McCurry, TLT Group: (15:18) Video case examples.
Dale Parker: (15:18) I worked in a chemistry lab for 20 years and most workers are keenly aware of OSHA and their power We used scenarios and asked what is wrong with this picture?
David McCurry, TLT Group: (15:18) Microteaching.
lpifer 2: (15:18) That's a good idea, videotaping.
lpifer 2: (15:18) Thanks so much for your input!
David McCurry, TLT Group: (15:19) Microteaching can be very cheap.
Christina: (15:19) thank you! WOnderful
lpifer 2: (15:19) Wish I could speak to you...maybe next time!
David McCurry, TLT Group: (15:19) great session.
David McCurry, TLT Group: (15:19) Quintessential, even.
Dale Parker: (15:19) thanks
lpifer 2: (15:19) Thanks, Dale...I have actually used that some.
lpifer 2: (15:20) Thanks each and all...This has been very enjoyable & I am grateful for input. If you have other thoughts or ideas for me, email me :
lpifer 2: (15:21) Over and out and all have a happy weekend.
Sally Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:22) Great session!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:22) Have a great weekend!
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:23)
Steve Gilbert, TLT Group: (15:23) 1 million acts of kindness!
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