Monday, April 30, 2012

ICEELI & ICCRK New Deadline Extension>>>15 May, 2012

15th May, 2012
New Deadline
ICEELI' 2012 & ICCRK' 2012 Conferences
Dear Authors,

Due to multiple requests from authors around the world, its our pleasure to announce the delay of the final submission date till the 15th of May, 2012. We hope authors who faced any submission difficulties will manage their time well and be able to submit their research within this time frame. If we can be of any further help to you, please contact us through our emails posted on the websites. You could also follow us on Twitter. Check below for details.

The deadline to submit your paper proposal for The International Conference on Education & E-Learning Innovations, extends to May 15th, 2012.
ICEELI' 2012 will take place on 1-3 July at Sousse, Tunisia. The conference aims at addressing issues related to the design, development and use of Educational Innovations and E-Learning in organizations from a multidisciplinary perspective, and to discuss, the research, teaching and professional practice in the field. Participants are invited to submit either a Full Paper, or Abstract For submission details, visit this link
Follow us on Twitter

The deadline to submit your paper proposal for The International Conference on Computer Related Knowledge, extends to May 15th, 2012.
ICCCRK' 2012 will take place on 5-7 July at Sousse, Tunisia. The conference looks at the pressures placed on our society as it changes from a manufacturing to an informational and technological economy. Industries and businesses are hard pressed to stay ahead of the learning curve with regard to staying competitive. Computers are one ofthe main tools driving this change to an information age. It is within this climate that we launch this conference to stay ahead and prepare the next generation of information "hunters and gatherers." The constant push to integrate computers into our daily activities comes from government, business, and industry. Participants are invited to submit either a Full Paper, or Abstract For submission details, visit this link

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Journal of Digital Information Management
International Journal of Web Applications
International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research
International Journal of Information Studies
Journal of E-Technology
Journal of Networking Technology
Journal of Information Technology Review
Journal of Information Security Research
Journal of Intelligent Computing
Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies
Journal of Information & Systems Management
Journal of Data Processing
Journal of Information Organization
Journal of Electronic Systems
Electronic Devices
Signals and Telecommunication Journal
Progress in Computing Applications
Progress in Signals and Telecommunication Engineering
Selected papers will be considered for publication at any of the following journals. You are encouraged to submit your original work to our conference.
Submit Your work TODAY!

ICEELI & ICCRK Conference Committees

MIT Open Courseware Newsletter: Electron Microprobe Analysis, New Entrepreneurship Course List, and OCW at USASEF

MIT OpenCourseWare
Stay Connected to OCW
Stay Connected to OCW

In Cynthia's April 2012 Newsletter:

New Supplemental Resource

Prof. Herbert Gross. (Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.)

Complex Variables, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra is the third course in the
Calculus Revisited series. The course consists of 20 Videos, 3 Study Guides, and a set of Supplementary Notes.

The series was first released in 1971 for people to review the essentials of calculus. It is equally valuable for students who are learning calculus for the first time.

Updated Courses

> See all courses
> Subscribe to the RSS

Highlights for High School

Build Stuff, Write Better, and Save the World too!

Find out how you can be a brilliant hero and supercharge your AP study of Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Calculus with great free tools from MIT OpenCourseWare at the 2nd annual
USA Science and Engineering Festival.

The festival will held in Washington, DC, April 28 and 29th. It's free and open to the public and will feature over 3,000 fun, interactive exhibits, more than 100 stage shows and 33 Author Presentations.

If you are in the area, stop by and visit us! We'll be in
Hall B, Booth #2828.

> Find out more about the festival

New Resource: Entrepreneurship Course List

Photo taken in a Lakeland, FL business park. (Image courtesy of lakelandlocal at flickr.)
MIT has always been associated with major scientific and technological breakthroughs. But the breakthroughs alone do not explain the impact that MIT has had on the world. For that we have to look at entrepreneurship, which starts with the "Mens et Manus" (Mind and Hand) slogan on the Great Seal of MIT.

For faculty, students, and alumni, MIT is all about making discoveries and inventions and then applying these discoveries and inventions to solve real problems.

In a very tangible way, MIT faculty and graduates invent the future, and entrepreneurship -- the building of new businesses -- is often the road to that future.

OCW now offers a new cross-disciplinary course list presenting the core academic materials -- including syllabi, lecture notes, assignments and exams -- from 66 MIT entrepreneurship courses.

The courses are organized into lists that cover core and supplemental entrepreneurship concepts and are also presented in topical lists including finance, law, leadership, marketing and strategy.

Initial courses selected for the list were curated by
MIT Sloan School of Management Senior Lecturer Joseph Hadzima, with input from Bill Aulet, Managing Director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship.

> See the Entrepreneurship Course List

Views from Supporters

"My donation, which is going to be my monthly contribution is a way to show my appreciation of your efforts. Such projects as yours do shed immense light into our sometimes grey world. It allows a lot of people to access the best of education.

My personal view is that the education is the best and most effective vaccination and medicine against intolerance, ignorance, dogmatism and darkness in people's mind.

Please, keep up the excellent work you have been doing so far."

-Ahmadhon, Independent Learner, Russia

> Read more

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Your gift demonstrates your commitment to knowledge as a public good and shows our sponsors and funders how much our visitors value the site.

Please consider
donating to OCW today.

Make your donation can count event more with a matching gift from your company. To find out whether your company has a matching gift policy, please enter your employer's name in the
MIT matching gifts page.

OCW is grateful for the support of:

Ab Initio
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MIT OpenCourseWare is located at: One Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142

TLT-SWG: Polls for TLTGroup's FridayLive! “1st try Building Community in Online Course” 04/27/12 2pm FREE #TLTGFrLv


Polls for TLTGroup's FridayLive! “1st try Building Community in Online Course” 4/27 2pm FREE #TLTGFrLv  
Posted: 27 Apr 2012 09:02 AM PDT

Polls available to be used for TLT Group's FridayLive! session 4/27 2pm
Lesson learned from 1st try "Building a Sense of Community in an Online Environment: Boldly Going Where You May Not Have Before..."
Register FREE to all - space limited
Poll Questions:  

Like Likert Scale

§ BCpre1  How much experience have you had with completely online courses?
§ BCpre2  How much experience have you had with hybrid (or blended or partially) online courses?
§ BC1 How important is "community" to the learning process within a course?
§ BC2  What are the greatest barriers when building community online?  In your own experience or from your observations
§ BC3  Which technologies are you most interested in learning more about today because of their potential for helping to build communty in online courses?

See below for questions with the item options included.

BCpre1  How much experience have you had with completely online courses?
§ Have taken one or more completely online courses as a learner
§ Have never taken a completely online course as a learner
§ Have taught one completely online course
§ Have taught more than one completely online course
§ Have never taught an online course

BCpre2  How much experience have you had with hybrid (or blended or partially) online courses?
§ Have taken one or more hybrid courses as a learner
§ Have never taken a hybrid course as a learner
§ Have taught one hybrid course
§ Have taught more than one hybrid course
§ Have never taught a hybrid course

BC1 How important is "community" to the learning process within a course?
  1. Essential
  2. Important but not essential
  3. NOT important at all

BC2  What are the greatest barriers when building community online?  In your own experience or from your observations
1.       Finding the right technology.
2.       Technology reliability issues 
3.       Technology availability/accessibility issues
4.       Lack of training for teachers
5.       Lack of training for students
6.       Student participation
7.       Other - Please describe in Text Chat area

BC3  Which technologies are you most interested in learning more about today because of their potential for helping to build communty in online courses?
1.       Video recording
2.       Video live
3.       Interactive PDFs [forms]
4.       Blogs
5.       Wikis
6.       Synchronous Webinars/Webcasts Audio+Text+...e.g., Adobe Connect
7.       Facebook
8.      Twitter
9.       Smart Phones
10.   iPads
11.    Other - please describe in Text Chat area


To what extent do you agree or disagree with  this question/slide/statement?
  1. Strongly Agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly Disagree

IMAGE selected by Steve Gilbert 20120427
Photo of Likert Scale "An example of a common type of rating scale, the 'rate this with 1 to 5 stars' model. This example is from Wikipedia's user-survey efforts. 17 July 2011 Three-quarter-ten"
By Three-quarter-ten (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Posted: 27 Apr 2012 08:35 AM PDT
<> <>
Dustin Shell, Learning Consultant, TiER1 Performance Solutions
The YouTube video embedded below was produced yesterday by Dustin Shell.  I'm delighted that he chose to use his iPhone & YouTube instead of the media and tools I recommended!  He reports via email:  "...did all of this on my iPhone using iMovie, a $5 app using the front-facing camera. Took me about 1 hour to record, edit, and publish…not including the revisions…"

Dustin was responding to the following request/invitation that I sent to  him earlier this week because he is co-presenting today 2pm ET April 27 FridayLive! on Lessons learned from 1st try: "Building a Sense of Community in an Online Environment: Boldly Going Where You May Not Have Before..." Register FREE to all - space limited    
pls consider answering our "Fundamental Questions" in the context of your session topic.
1. What do you most want to gain?
2. What do you most cherish and want not to lose?

if you have a few minutes, pls see and consider leaving a brief recorded answer to these 2 questions. i like to play such brief recordings before the sessions officially begin.Here's a more direct explanation of one easy way to record your answers:
Telephone Voicemail OptionTo do so, leave your answers as a single voicemail message at 301 744 TLTG =
301 744 8584

YouTube provided HTML embed code which I inserted in this Blog post 20120427 just below this line of text
- I hope you can play this WITHIN the blog post, but just in case it doesn't work for you, here's the link to the video within the YouTube site